Type One Together has a list of over 2,000 sitters nationwide (and beyond) who are living with T1D or have knowledge of
how to care for it.
Click below to access the list for a year with
weekly updates made to our constantly growing list!
No one in your area after 3 months of purchase?
Money back!
Have you already purchased the sitter list?
You can always access the list HERE if purchased before Dec 7th, 2024.
Click HERE if purchased after Dec 7, 2024.
We update the list weekly and as soon as we add a sitter, you will see them listed right away!
At the top left corner of each tab, you will see what date that state's list was last updated.
Note when you last viewed the list to determine when new sitters may be available in your area.
We contact our sitters quarterly to see if they have moved or no longer want to be on the list in an effort to keep the list as up to date as possible!