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T1D Masterclasses

Choose Your Adventure

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 Auto Mode Masterclass

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Tandem Deep Dive

T1D & Food


T1D Travel

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T1D & Celiac

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What people are saying...

"Just wanted to tell you guys that my girl had her Endo appointment today, and they were blown away by how well she’s doing. Her A1C is down to 5.8 with far fewer lows. I told them how much the OP5 masterclass helped us improve...thank you for the work you are make such an impact and truly have a gift!"

-Fawn, Auto Mode Masterclass

"I love that you encourage and empower people with T1D to actively manage blood sugar levels using all the tools at their disposal. I am a dietician and diabetes educator, and I have had T1 diabetes for over 30 years, and so many patients that I encounter defer all problem solving to their endo. Patients and parents who are empowered live such happier and healthier lives... The educational language used was really approachable and appropriate for the target audience"

-Kendra, Auto Mode Masterclass

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