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Better Together
Group Coaching

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 T1D Diagnosis: Made Simple
The Course

For Grandparents


1-1 Support

with our Certified Diabetes Care & Education Specialists

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What people are saying...

"I really enjoyed it and was sorry to see it end. Also, my daughter was very happy that I devoted time to learning more about Type 1 diabetes and can discuss things with her more in depth and have more informed questions for her. I also feel confident I can learn to take over more care of my granddaughter with the information I learned."

-Linda, T1D Grandparent Course

"Olivia is waking up in a better mood with literal clearer eyes and seems so much more herself. I know this group will forever be a big part of the reason we got through these early days/weeks. So grateful!"

-Danielle, Better Together Group Coaching 

"Thank you for taking the time to create the video series, my 3 year old niece was diagnosed 3 weeks ago and your page and the T1D made simple videos have helped our family immensely as we try to understand and learn more to help her through this transition phase. Thank you!"

-Alejandra, T1D Diagnosis: Made Simple


"I'm the mom of a 3.5 year old with T1D. She was diagnosed in January of 2023. I just had to tell you that your podcast on A1C and time in range really, really helped me. Hearing how you manage T1D and increase time in range litearlly made my daughter's time in range go from 60-70% to 80%. I just feel like I finally have a handle on things. I wanted to let you know that things finally clicked for me after hearing your podcast. Thanks so much!" 

- Brieanne, The 108 Podcast

"I love that you encourage and empower people with T1D to actively manage blood sugar levels using all the tools at their disposal. I am a dietician and diabetes educator, and I have had T1 diabetes for over 30 years, and so many patients that I encounter defer all problem solving to their endo. Patients and parents who are empowered live such happier and healthier lives... The educational language used was really approachable and appropriate for the target audience"

-Kendra, Auto Mode Masterclass

"We were averaging a GMI of 8.2!!! Down to 7.4!! Crazy thankful"

-Hannah, Better Together Group Coaching 

"You have truly changed our lives and experience with type 1. Without this course and our babysitter, life wouldn't feel as bright as it does" 

-Danielle, Better Together Group Coaching

"This course helped me understand my child's diagnosis because it explained T1D in terms that people that are not in the medical field can understand"

-Rosa, T1D Diagnosis: Made Simple

"This is the lowest 2 week average we have had since diagnosis! I know this is by no means perfect but it's such a great progress. I've already learned so much from this group/corse and seeing the results is amazing" 

-Anonymous, Better Together Group Coaching

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